
Awarded May 02-2017
The Global Development Incubator 2017
for use by its Initiative for Smallholder Finance in support of piloting a technology-driven financing mechanism to provide low-cost supply chain financing to underserved small and medium-sized enterprises in India as an incentive for meeting environmental, labor and safety standards
    Awarded May 03-2017
    in support of assisting two U.S. municipal water authorities to issue pay-for-success municipal bonds to finance green infrastructure projects serving poor and vulnerable communities
      Awarded Apr 25-2017
      Eighteen East Capital Ltd 2017
      in support of developing a model Closed-End Investment Company (CEIC) to channel private equity impact investment capital toward emerging market sectors like healthcare, education and agriculture for the benefit of poor and vulnerable populations
        Awarded Jan 19-2017
        Northwestern University 2017
        for use by its Kellogg School of Management in support of The Rockefeller Foundation & Kellogg School of Management Sustainable Investing Fellowship, an effort to build the field of impact investing in business and professional education
          Awarded Nov 22-2016
          Africa GreenCo 2016
          in support of establishing a new public-private partnership that catalyzes private sector investment in African energy projects
            Awarded Oct 25-2016
            Publisez, Inc. / DEY 2016
            in support of communications efforts for the financing mechanisms supported by the Rockefeller Foundation’s innovative finance “Zero Gap” portfolio to increase the likelihood of market adoption by raising awareness among key stakeholders about how innovative finance can be harnessed to drive private sector capital toward achieving critical social and environmental outcomes
              Awarded Nov 11-2016
              World Bank 2016
              for use by its project, the Global Partnership for Education, in support of a market assessment and feasibility study to explore the potential for parametric insurance as a tool for building the resilience of education systems in the face of natural and man-made shocks and stresses
                Awarded Oct 25-2016
                Climate Policy Initiative, Inc. 2016
                for use by its Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance toward the costs of further developing a climate resilience work stream to leverage innovative sources of capital that benefit poor and vulnerable populations
                  Awarded Sep 13-2016
                  Nature Conservancy 2016
                  in support of developing the Reef Resilience and Insurance Fund, a tool to use insurance premiums to protect and restore coral reefs in Mexico
                    Awarded Sep 09-2016
                    for use by the Office of the Special Advisor on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Climate Change in support of encouraging innovative finance solutions and private sector investment in its Sustainable Development Goals