Bellagio Perspectives

Welcome to Bellagio Perspectives, where we highlight the work of Bellagio Center residents and conveners who are driving progress on globally pressing issues. In these pages, we invite you to learn more about the paradigm-shifting contributions of these leaders and how The Bellagio Center is helping to move the needle on the most important issues of our time.

Current Edition

  • March 2024

    Gender Equality

    Women are agents of change. In this edition of Bellagio Perspectives, we interview ten women leaders in economics, government, arts, media, philanthropy, development, & law who use gender as a primary lens in their efforts to eliminate inequities and unlock solutions for the most pressing issues of our time, from climate change to human rights and political empowerment.

Previous Editions

  • September 2023

    Climate Change

    This edition of the Bellagio Perspectives features prominent leaders, entrepreneurs and experts hosted at The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center working to address the climate crisis.
  • February 2023

    Racial and Economic Justice

    Many featured in this Bellagio Perspective are part of the Foundation's Economic Equity initiative, focusing on democracy, workers' rights, and pro-worker tax policies. Read on to learn how we are advancing racial and economic justice.