
Reinhold Gallmetzer

Founder and Chair, Climate Crime Analysis

Big Bet: Use data technology, and law to prevent deforestation and protect people

Project: Leverage state-of-the-art data science and technology to transform diverse data into actionable inputs that support law enforcement and corporate compliance globally. To ensure the right information reaches decision-makers, the project works with a network of data collection partners, including NGOs, technology experts, scientific institutions, and indigenous communities. It collates and processes the information, analyzes it against applicable legal or policy standards, and shares actionable case files with partners. The recipients may include government authorities, NGOs working on impact litigation, corporations, and media partners. The model is already deployed at a pilot scale, working with partners such as Brazil’s Federal Prosecution Authorities, and will be expanded across Latin America and beyond.

Reinhold Gallmetzer is the founder of the Center for Climate Crime Analysis (CCCA), where – in his personal capacity – he serves as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. CCCA is a non-profit organization founded by prosecutors, designed to support and scale up climate action worldwide by strategically combining the power of law, data, and technology.

Reinhold is also a Prosecution Appeals Counsel at the International Criminal Court. Previously, he served at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, among others. Reinhold studied law at the universities of Innsbruck (Austria), Padova (Italy) and Glasgow (Scotland). He also holds a professional degree in classical music from the conservatory of L’Aquila (Italy).