Matter of Impact Quarterly / Matter of Impact Quarterly

The Magic of Convenings

This quarter's Matter of Impact dives deep into why convenings matter, and why we need to make time for them to achieve impact

When diverse minds unite to solve a defined challenge, magic happens. Ideas spark. Knowledge flows, and resources merge.

In fact, purpose-driven convenings play a vital role in addressing the world’s biggest challenges — key among them, climate change. Convenings create unique opportunities to discard conventional thinking, build far-reaching networks, and develop powerful strategies to implement real-world policies and actions.

Throughout our history here at The Rockefeller Foundation, we have seen convenings as one of our superpowers — a force-multiplier to stimulate solutions.

This quarter, learn how a convening created a global climate change warrior in Kenya, and another motivated a woman to change her life. Read about four pivotal convenings that established a transformative global agricultural research network, and another that is helping shape the battle against climate change. Please join us.

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