The Rockefeller Foundation’s mission — unchanged since 1913 — is to promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world. Today the Foundation uses advances in power, health, food, and finance sectors to ensure everyone has good jobs, good food, good health, and more at a time when climate change’s effects are taking lives and undermining livelihoods.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission, promoting the well-being of humanity throughout the world, remains unchanged since 1913. Today, that mission requires us to work with partners across sectors and political lines to scale new technologies for impact.

Our History

From our very first grant through to today’s vast array of initiatives, The Rockefeller Foundation has built a reputation for making big bets that spur breakthroughs in science and understanding and leverage unlikely partnerships to deliver results for people around the world.

Explore our achievements
Our Strategy

We work with everybody, across sectors and politics, to find new technologies to scale them for impact. As part of that approach, The Rockefeller Foundation is investing $1 billion over 5 years to help advance those opportunities and avert climate change’s worst.

Learn about our strategy
Meet Our Staff

Mission-driven and multi-disciplinary, our staff bring a broad range of talents and backgrounds to their work every day. One trait we share: a passion for changing the world.

Explore the staff directory
group of men and women standing and smiling with their hands wrapped around one another
Leadership and Board

Meet the leaders shaping the future of the Foundation.

Meet our leaders

Discover where we work to create lasting impact.

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Work With Us

The Rockefeller Foundation is legally independent, with its own resources, board of trustees, and mission. Though we share the Rockefeller name with many organizations, the Foundation operates independently and does not control these entities.