On April 19, members of the Bellagio team, including Elena Gelosa, Alice Luperto and Bethany Martin-Breen, participated in The Hope Forum 2024, in Venice Italy, a half-day gathering organized by Art 2030, that convened leading artists and artistic enterprises to unite in action for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

With opening remarks from H.E. Mr. António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, The Hope Forum took place during the first week of the 60th Venice Biennale and brought together artists, scientists and policy makers to mobilize the art sector for the Sustainable Development Goals. Speakers from UNESCO, leading climate scientists like Johan Rockström, industry leaders like Marie-Claire Daveu, Chief Sustainability Officer of Kering, and our own Elena Gelosa expressed their organizations’ commitments to climate action. Elena discussed The Rockefeller Foundation’s systems approach to tackling climate within food, energy, finance and health sectors, and the role of the Bellagio Center in connecting global leaders across multiple areas of practice and expertise to advance breakthrough change. 

The presentations were a powerful lead up to the announcement that the Art Charter for Climate Action (ACCA) is now in partnership with UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) to galvanize collective action that will accelerate the international arts sector’s transition to net zero GHG emissions no later than 2050, and to tap into the power of art to inspire climate action beyond the sector. Initiated by CIMAM (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art), Julie’s Bicycle and GCC (Galleries Climate Coalition) and ART 2030, the Art Charter for Climate Action seeks to be a network of networks to accelerate actions that stakeholders cannot achieve by themselves. This includes challenging structural constraints and advancing negotiations with related industries, policy, advocacy and capacity building.

Following the presentations, Elena, Alice and Bethany led a networking session to share information about the Rockefeller Foundation’s climate work and encourage interest in the Bellagio Center’s programs.

Several alumni also attended The Hope Forum, including Nicole Fleetwood and Tosin Oshinowo, pictured on the left side.
