Bellagio Bulletin / Bellagio Bulletin

Bellagio Alumni Connect: Reversing the Climate Crisis

This summer, we invited the many extraordinary alumni actively engaged in reversing the climate crisis in their work, either directly or indirectly, to our first ever Bellagio Alumni Connect Series. The series was launched in response to demand from across the network to connect in smaller settings with fellow alumni focused on similar issue areas. 

The first gathering of the series took place in June, and invited alumni into a private debrief of  the #RFBreakthrough episode, Health Care Takes On Climate Change. The session focused on lessons from Josh Karliner’s article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review of the same name, which he wrote while on residency at Bellagio. Josh was joined by Mary Nichols, Shweta Narayan, and Reema Nanavaty, and led an open discussion about the big questions participants are grappling with in the face of the hottest summer on record.

In July, we hosted two sessions of Back to Bellagio: An Hour of Connection, chances for small groups of climate-focused alumni to gather for conversations about their projects, and their approaches to the climate crisis. It was almost like we were back on the terrace having cocktails at sunset!

It’s wonderful to see that the magic of cross-disciplinary connections signature to Bellagio can form, even over Zoom. Stay tuned for more opportunities to connect with fellow Bellagio Alumni in future editions of the Bellagio Bulletin.
