A few words from Maja:
“All sections were refined, and the great importance of the topic was underlined by conversations with other residents at Bellagio.”
Quote from Governing Our Planetary Emergency:
“The climate crisis is evident in the devastating impacts we witness and in the unequivocal science we are all aware of. What eludes us is political will and ambition; it is fundamentally a crisis of governance. This Report offers crucial insights toward the urgent reforms necessary to address our escalating planetary emergency.”
The world is currently experiencing the initial impacts of catastrophic climate change. Facing a crossroads in human history, we need novel approaches to global governance in support of unprecedented policy, private sector, and citizen-led actions, to shift course this decade and avert the worst of the emergency. Human interference in the life-supporting functions of our planet have already caused intense suffering and heightened inequality. Employing new and existing governance levers in more creative and technically robust ways — that harness the combined talents and commitments of governments and non-state actors — is necessary to meet our shared, colossal challenges. The Commission aspires to contribute to the thought leadership and norm entrepreneurship necessary to safeguard humanity’s future. Our current challenges — although daunting — are solvable, and there are many powerful, positive trends on which to build our efforts. This Report sets forth near- and medium-term proposals for vital and substantial governance improvements across the international system. The Commission will form diverse, high-level working groups to refine its recommendations and advocate for their associated transformations; we value our myriad partners in this important effort for just climate governance.