Santoshi Halder is a renowned academic and researcher in special and inclusive education, serving as a professor at the University of Calcutta. Her work focuses on promoting equity for individuals with diverse abilities, with widely recognized research in disability studies and educational inclusion.

A few words from Santoshi: 

“I finalized the book at the Bellagio Center.”




Quote from The Routledge Handbook:

“It can be assumed that mixed types of learners will read this book, such as completely novice learners who for the first time are getting introduced to the new buzz term “Educational Technology” (ET), at the same time, some may have some basic knowledge about ET, while others may have some advanced knowledge about ET. It is imperative to say that whatever level the learner is at, one has to accept the reality that we all are living in a “technological era,” where every aspect of our life and society is changing unprecedentedly, mostly due to the advancement of technology. Therefore, as a learner of ET, one must know about “technology” and its origins.”


This handbook offers a comprehensive understanding of the use of technology in education. With a focus on the development of Education Technology in India, it explores innovative strategies as well as challenges in incorporating technology to support learning.

The volume examines diverse learning approaches such as assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication for learners with disabilities and creating more social and accessible environments for learning through Collaborative Learning Techniques (CoLTS), massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in modern classrooms. Enriched with discussions on recent trends in ET (Education Technology), university curriculum and syllabi, and real-life examples of the use of ET in different classroom settings, the book captures diverse aspects of education technology and its potential. It also discusses the challenges of making technology and resources available for all and highlights the impact technology has had in classrooms across the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This book will be of interest to students, researchers, and teachers of education, digital education, education technology, and information technology. The book will also be useful for policymakers, educationalists, instructional designers, and educational institutions.
