Bellagio Bulletin / Bellagio Bulletin

Meet the Speakers for TED Salon: Big Bets

On May 23, The Rockefeller Foundation will host its first ever TED Salon, which will showcase the “big bets” of eight former Bellagio Center Residents, as well as feature performances from two alumni artists. Learn about these non-profit leaders, journalists, academics, architects, and musicians before they share the big bets they are advancing in the world.

While the main event will take place in the New York TED World Theater, this is a broader opportunity for connection and inspiration across the Bellagio alumni network through a series of TED Salon: Big Bets watch parties.

Saleem Ali
The minerals needed for the global green transition are in the hands of a few countries. Saleem makes the case that a global mineral trust to democratize that mineral power is not only possible, but necessary for humanity’s hope for the future.


Fatmata Binta
Fatmata’s experience as a young person in war-torn, food-scarce Sierra Leone gave her a lifelong passion for bringing people together around food. She believes that simple indigenous food systems should be embraced globally for their sustainability and resilience.


Sam Wang
Computational neuroscience and the future of democracy have an unexpected but strong and useful connection. Sam’s talk delves into this relationship and outlines how we can use that connection to fix the flaws in our current democratic systems while also preventing future problems.


Rosanne Haggerty
Rosanne believes we can functionally end homelessness. In her talk, she will share the research and data behind her assertion that homelessness is, in fact, solvable if we truly reinvest in collaboration and community.


Kasia Chmielinski
In the ever-evolving AI landscape, Kasia will imagine a world in which we have absolute transparency for better data use and creation as a result of “dataset nutrition labels.”


Yvette Cabrera
Our zip code and, specifically, its ecological environment can influence our life’s trajectory. Yvette will explore the relationship between soil lead contamination and social outcomes, and offer possible solutions.


Paul Rucker
Paul believes that the best way to build the future we want is by facing the missteps of our past. In this distinctive performatalk, Paul will mix music and images with spoken word and invite us to contemplate a better world for us all.


Victor Ochen
Through his work as a peace activist, Victor has witnessed first hand the wide-ranging impact of conflict on those experiencing it. In this talk, he will share global lessons for conflict mitigation from his work with African youth.


Doris Sung
When it comes to modern architecture, Doris believes we are sorely underutilizing one major part of our buildings– the facades. In this visual talk, she will explore how we can think more smartly about the ways in which the outside of the spaces we inhabit can improve our health, happiness and planet.


Stephanie Winters
Stephanie Winters is a cellist and award-winning nervous system coach. Winters has performed more than 3,000 concerts worldwide including Carnegie Hall in 2020 and a series of programs at Lincoln Center; her vast and rigorous experience motivated her to coach high-level professionals and their teams to go from stressed and overwhelmed to calm and productive.