U.S. Covid-19 Response and Recovery


Since 2020 The Rockefeller Foundation has championed a comprehensive Covid-19 national response and recovery plan, focusing our efforts on providing evidence-based information and equitable access to life-saving tools.

We committed over $1 billion to Covid-19 response efforts over the first three years to achieve the three goals:

  • accelerate the global response to this pandemic and prevent the next one;
  • fight the existing and emerging crisis of hunger and malnutrition in the United States and around the world; and
  • help workers, families, and vulnerable communities get through the pandemic and emerge with greater opportunity than they had before.

This included a National Testing Action Plan that aimed to create a state-led national program of Covid-19 testing that would support the reopening of the economy through the goals of workforce monitoring, early detection of recurrent outbreaks, and diagnostic and home testing.

  • 15million

    connections with individuals to share accurate public health information

  • 30+states

    and territories engaged in Covid-19 activities

  • >6billion

    Covid-19 tests purchased

In the United States, our investments in health successfully provided leading health professionals and policymakers with science-based tools and approaches to fight the pandemic and prevent future outbreaks. Our efforts ensured wider access to Covid-19 tests and vaccines, empowered community leaders, and provided a framework for creating and convening impact-driven peer action networks. Read through some of our key initiatives that were part of our response below.

Key Initiatives: