17 Rooms/

17 Rooms Global Flagship

Submit your big idea for a future 17 Rooms annual flagship process!

17 Rooms is a novel approach for advancing the economic, social, and environmental priorities embedded in the world’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

About 17 Rooms and the Global Flagship

It offers a neutral and creative space where leaders from different sectors and backgrounds can connect to collaborate and carry forward decisive next steps for the SDGs. Seventeen working groups, or “Rooms,” (one per SDG) come together to advance action within each Goal, while expanding opportunities for collaboration across Goals. Each Room of typically 10-15 Members identifies one-to-three actions to take over the next 12-18 months. The 17 Rooms Secretariat offers logistical and substantive support.

Submit Your Ideas

Countless leaders have great ideas for bringing people together to drive change. The most sustainable and scalable change tends to come from collaboration and collective action. Diverse perspectives and experiences strengthen pathways to progress. 17 Rooms provides a platform to find new allies, improve approaches, and grow action. We encourage you to submit your idea for a future 17 Rooms annual flagship process!

  • Report

    Coming Together: Forging New Paths to Action for the Sustainable Development Goals

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embody many of the world’s foremost priorities for cooperation and call for new collaborative alliances across public, private, academic, civil society, and philanthropic sectors. Setbacks triggered by Covid-19 have only amplified the need for a new path forward. 17 Rooms is a new approach forging paths to progress for the […]
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