
AsiaXchange 2024

Advancing the urgent and critical agenda of climate action across the diverse and vibrant Asia region

Asia is home to unparalleled opportunities for driving transformative progress on climate change. The aim of The Rockefeller Foundation’s AsiaXchange is to explore how countries, businesses, and communities can come together to build a sustainable, low-carbon future for the region.

AsiaXchange 2024 participants.

The inaugural 2023 convening marked a pivotal moment with the Foundation’s unveiling of a comprehensive climate strategy for Asia. AsiaXchange 2024 in Bangkok built on this momentum, adopting a systems approach to advance the vision of a green, resilient Asia.

AsiaXchange 2024 brought together over 300 attendees across three days, featuring some 50 speakers, 10 Ideas to Action sessions with partners, and several distinguished dignitaries. It served as a pivotal platform for cross-sector stakeholders to share insights and collaborate on innovative solutions.

Highlights from AsiaXchange '24

  • L to R: Elizabeth Yee, Executive Vice President, Program Strategy, The Rockefeller Foundation; Hon'ble Deputy Prime Minister, Prasert Chantararuangthong; Natalye Paquin, Chief Operating Officer, The Rockefeller Foundation; Deepali Khanna, Vice President – Asia, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Natalye Paquin, Chief Operating Officer, The Rockefeller Foundation announcing the launch of Big Bets Fellowship in Asia-Pacific.
  • L to R: Ho Ren Hua, Chief Executive Officer, Thai Wah Public Company; Albert Park, Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank; Elizabeth Yee, Executive Vice President, Program Strategy, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • L to R: Ravi Venkatesan, Chairman of the Global Energy Alliance for People & Planet and Trustee, The Rockefeller Foundation; Gaurav Gupta, Global Managing Partner, Dalberg Advisors.
  • L to R: Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, Research and Information System for Developing Countries; Pooja Warier Hamilton, Chief Partnerships Officer, Apolitical; Nopraenue S. Dhirathiti.
  • L to R: Zou Ji, Chief Executive Officer & President, Energy Foundation China; Frank Rijsberman, Director General, Global Green Growth Institute; Cassady Walters, Managing Director, Power & Climate, The Rockefeller Foundation.
  • L to R: Jennifer Lewis, Advocacy and Partnerships Lead, Temasek Trust; David Fogarty, Climate Change Editor, The Straits Times; Joseph Peralta, Director of Design & Brand, The Rockefeller Foundation; Kong Man Jing, Co-founder, Just Keep Thinking; Rakesh Thukral, Chief Operating Officer, Asia-Pacific, CEO, Edelman India.
  • AsiaXchange 2024 participants.

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