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Utility in a Box

Over the last several years, The Rockefeller Foundation has worked with the Institute of Transformative Technology and Smart Power India to develop the world’s most affordable smart microgrid systems.

The Institute of Transformative Technology’s purpose-built utility-in-a-box (UiB), an innovation that not only protects sensitive equipment from the harsh heat of Indian summers and its torrential monsoons, but compresses these into a box stored beneath a solar panel, saving valuable square footage. It reduces build-time from months to a matter of weeks, with a significant cost reduction that makes the systems more commercially viable. UiB also facilitates efficient assembly and smooth communication between the components of a microgrid–the solar panels, inverters, data-loggers, and smart meters that help manage customer demand and billing, and better predict peak load requirements.

  • Solar panels.
    Aerial view of Tara Urja solar mini-grid, Bihar, India
  • solar panels
    Sections of the Tara Urja solar mini-grid, Bihar, India