Last month, we announced the launch of the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), a collaboration between The Rockefeller Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that will work to coordinate resources, scale innovations, and engage new actors in three geographies vulnerable to shocks: the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and South and Southeast Asia.
Today, at the USAID’s Frontiers conference in Washington D.C., we announced the next big step in this process the Global Resilience Partnership’s Challenge, a three-stage grant competition, which will help develop and implement locally driven, high-impact solutions that build resilience in our focus regions.
A new model for solving today’s complex and interrelated resilience challenges, the Challenge will better align humanitarian and development planning, catalyze new alliances, and foster innovations and solutions for resilience challenges such as chronic malnutrition and health shocks, climate change, economic and political instabilities, and other vulnerabilities.
The first stage will call for diverse, cross-sector teams to submit proposals demonstrating their ability to think creatively about how to tackle barriers to resilience in focal regions. In the second stage, chosen teams will receive up to $200,000 to further develop their problem statement and to develop a bold, innovative, scalable solution. And in the third and final stage, teams who have built the most promising solutions will receive initial funding on the order of $1 million to implement their transformative proposal.
In addition to the Challenge, we announced a new partner, The Swedish International Development Agency, bringing the total commitment to $150 million. Among other investments, these new resources from the Swedish government will be used to help develop new models for and using data to better understand tough problems; for increasing risk forecasting and management in communities in the focal regions of the Resilience Partnership; and for building local and regional capacity.
We’re confident that these new developments will move us further toward our goal of bringing new ideas and new solutions to address the reality that extreme shocks and stresses are coming faster, hitting harder, and lasting longer—and enable some of our world’s most vulnerable people to escape from the cycle of extreme poverty and create a more resilient future.
Learn more about the Global Resilience Partnership
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