
Jun 09 2016
Between the Lake and the Castle
On the top of the hill, above the Villa Serbelloni, lie the skeletal remains of a stone castle. They are gorgeous and haunting, as many ruins are. To get there, …
Jul 22 2015
Developing Guidelines for Humanitarian UAV Missions
A version of this post originally appeared on iRevolutions. The Humanitarian UAV Network (UAViators) recently organized a three-day Policy Forum on Humanitarian UAVs. The mission of UAViators is to promote the …
Jun 15 2015
Bringing the Arts to the Conversation on Social Change
In this post, Claudia Juech, associate vice president and managing director of Strategic Research and Bellagio Programs at The Rockefeller Foundation, and Carolina Jayaram, chief executive officer of United States …
Apr 30 2015
Searching for the Next Grantee
In mid-March, The Rockefeller Foundation hosted a reception for alums of our Bellagio Center in Italy, which since 1959 has been home to countless ground-breaking convenings and residencies for writers, artists, …