
Feb 27 2023
Rebecca Dixon on Race, Gender, and Economic Justice
"People are working hard and working multiple jobs, and still can’t thrive. Policymakers and corporations have stacked the system against folks in this way. In the United States, 87 percent of occupations are considered racially segregated, and that’s after you control education.”
Feb 27 2023
Bellagio Perspectives
Welcome to Bellagio Perspectives, where we highlight the work of Bellagio Center residents and conveners who are driving progress on globally pressing issues. In these pages, we invite you to …
May 10 2022
The Bellagio Center Convening Program
Revitalizing Civil Society in the Asia Region
In recent years, despite studies that show democracy significantly increases development, a global “democratic recession” has led to a resurgence of authoritarianism as well as shrinking civil society. International IDEA’s …