
Oct 27 2016
Zombie Funds and Impact Investing
I have spent the last few weeks thinking about zombies—and not just because of Halloween. Why, you may ask? The Rockefeller Foundation is an impact investor through our portfolio of program-related …
Oct 24 2016
Addressing Post-Harvest Loss with Behavioral Science
Nearly all of the game-changing agricultural innovations over the last 30 to 40 years – chemical fertilizer, improved seed varieties, resource conservation best practices, among others - have one thing …
Oct 17 2016
Building Resilience for the New Urban Agenda
As urban leaders meet in Quito this week for Habitat III, the gathering marks the 20-year anniversary of the second Habitat conference, and the 40-year anniversary of the first. In …
Sep 29 2016
Lessons from our Youth Tech-Enabled Employment Work
Africa is currently on the precipice of major economic and demographic change. Today, many African countries are experiencing double-digit per capita growth. Across the continent, new information and communications technologies …
Sep 28 2016
Disrupting Food Waste in the Workplace
Have you ever gone out to eat out with your colleagues and completely forgotten about your cardboard box of leftovers in the fridge? Or brought your apple to work and …
Sep 27 2016
Five Minutes with
Kathy Behrens
  Five Minutes with… is a blog series, featuring change-makers who through their work, passions, and personal stories have shown a commitment to addressing domestic and global issues. On the heels of the …
Sep 23 2016
Innovative Finance is Key to Affording the Global Goals
This post is part of a series on Advancing the Global Goals. Last year, the world set ambitious targets for addressing global challenges, agreeing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the …