
Sep 07 2015
Postharvest Loss: A Hidden Tax on Smallholders
Much of what I know about farming was learned growing up on a small Iowa farm. My parents devoted considerable attention to producing our crops and livestock.  However, considerable attention …
Sep 03 2015
Will the Real Good Job Please Stand Up?
A version of this post also appeared in the Huffington Post. If you read the New York Times, you have probably been inundated by trend articles about Ivy league graduates who …
Aug 28 2015
Creative Destruction and the New World of Work
A version of this post originally appeared on Pacific Standard's The Future of Work series, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. Nearly 75 years ago, Joseph Schumpeter popularized the term "creative destruction" …
Aug 27 2015
Creating Partnerships for Resilience
Partnership is an essential feature of our work at The Rockefeller Foundation. Building resilience often requires bringing together unlikely people and organizations from across sectors to collaborate on bold and innovative …
Aug 25 2015
For Americans Seeking Good Jobs, Four Values are Key
As part of The Rockefeller Foundation's Workshift: #GoodJobsForAll campaign, we've spent the past two weeks exploring the question: what is a good job? In New York City and Des Moines, we've hosted …
Aug 24 2015
What We've Learned From New Orleans
Ten years ago, Hurricane Katrina was unprecedented in its destruction—awakening cities around the globe to a new reality. Today, crisis is the new normal, but not every disruption has to become …
Aug 19 2015
Tackling Post Harvest Losses on Kenya’s Hit TV Show
Christina is a maize farmer in Tanzania. Unbeknownst to her, she has been storing her maize harvest incorrectly, in holey plastic containers that often easily become weevil infested. Sadly, this …