
Mar 26 2015
Four Tips for Cross-Sector Collaboration
This week, I was very honored to address the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneurship pilot program on "The Art and Science of System Change" at the Harvard Kennedy School. It's a …
Mar 24 2015
Water and the World
SHARE THIS By 2030 global water demand is expected to exceed current supply by 40 percent. SHARE THIS California is in its fourth year of drought – how can we balance the demand …
Mar 23 2015
Are We Resilient Yet?
UCCR Investments Paying Off The Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) initiative over the past eight years has worked to strengthen urban climate change resilience through testing new approaches, building …
Mar 14 2015
Taking Stock: Assessing Urban Resilience Efforts
The example of how the people of Can Tho developed a salinity monitoring project highlights some of the broader changes that have taken place across many of the ten cities …
Mar 13 2015
Youth Hold the Key to U.S. Competitiveness
A version of this post originally appeared in The Huffington Post. Since the rise of computing, mobile communications, and the Internet, youth, defined as 16-to-24 year olds, have become increasingly central to …
Mar 02 2015
Why Information Matters
"The world of information and media is changing rapidly." For many around the world, accessing, producing, consuming, and sharing information has never been easier: internet connectivity, mobile devices, broadcast media, and …