
Aug 26 2014
What Challenges Does Innovation For Global Development Face?
I recently participated in a TwitterChat hosted by KickLoans, a peer-to-peer microlending platform that works toward financial inclusion. I was joined by a variety of philanthropic organizations, small business owners, …
Aug 20 2014
This Time Next Year
As part of our resilience work, The Rockefeller Foundation supported the creation of This Time Next Year, a documentary about Long Beach Island, a small coastal New Jersey community, and …
Aug 19 2014
Participatory Budgeting Expands in New York City
The Rockefeller Foundation would like to congratulate the Participatory Budgeting Project and Community Voices Heard for the New York City Council's expansion of the participatory budgeting process. Twenty-two city council members—almost …
Aug 15 2014
Bushmeat and the Ebola Virus
Previously, I have focused on the potential for wild animal meat—or 'bushmeat'—to improve the nutrition of many poor families in West Africa. The demand for bushmeat is growing, particularly in premium …
Aug 11 2014
Listening Closely to a Scaling Innovation
An end user of Verboice, an interactive voice response (IVR) technology by InSTEDD Around the world, poverty and the burden of disease correlate directly with illiteracy and low literacy populations. Illiteracy …
Aug 08 2014
The Success of the Peterborough Social Impact Bond
Yesterday, the first results for the Peterborough social impact bond (SIB) were released and the outcomes are promising. Through a program related investment (PRI), The Rockefeller Foundation supported the Peterborough …