
Jun 04 2014
Introducing Medellin’s Chief Resilience Officer
This post originally appeared on 100 Resilient Cities. Oscar Santiago Uribe Rocha is Medellín, Colombia's first Chief Resilience Officer (CRO)—the second CRO appointed anywhere in the world. His story is one …
May 22 2014
What Solutions Are Hiding In Our PDFs?
The World Bank recently published a noble and important report with answers to the question Is anyone reading our reports and publications? They note that nearly 50 percent of their …
May 21 2014
Trends in Seed-Stage Social Enterprises
This post was co-authored by Min Pease, Impact Investing Manager at Echoing Green. In 2007, we selected Felix Brandon-Lloyd as an Echoing Green Fellow. Felix's organization, Skill-Life, was a game-based platform …
May 20 2014
MOOCs and the Future of Education in Latin America
Like many regions, Latin America and the Caribbean face a mismatch between what its educational system offers and the skills that are demanded by the market. A recent trend monitoring …
May 19 2014
Rockefeller Grantee Wins a Peabody Award
The Rockefeller Foundation congratulates WETA's documentary, Latino Americans, for winning the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award. As the award panel said, the series' "six fascinating installments traced a people's history that's …
May 08 2014
Getting Inclusive Industries to Scale
Achieving scale is a challenge as old as the field of social enterprise itself, one whose wide-reaching implications cut to the heart of what it means to make meaningful impact. …
May 07 2014
Using Twitter to Surface Food Security Solutions
Leveraging social media and digital technology to hear from a wide array of voices is part of The Rockefeller Foundation’s approach to enriching its understanding of the dynamic challenges facing …