
Nov 25 2013
Democracy & Philanthropy: The American Experiment
One of the big debates in the United States today is the uncomfortable role of money in politics, and the concern that it undermines democracy. It’s a question that echoes …
Nov 19 2013
UNFCCC Momentum for Change: Women for Results
At last year’s UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, The Rockefeller Foundation and the UN Framework for the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) launched Momentum for Change: Women for Results, an …
Nov 19 2013
5 Resilience Recommendations for Bill de Blasio
Excerpted from President Judith Rodin's speech to the Association for a Better New York on November 19, 2013.  Mayor Bloomberg's leadership has prepared us well for this moment—from rebuilding the city …
Nov 17 2013
Nearly 64,000 Words, One Work of Art
63,982 words about philanthropy—representing 78 countries—now form one incredible work of art. Artist Phil Hansen debuted the finished Art of Philanthropy project at our Celebration of American Philanthropy event in …
Nov 17 2013
The Five Fastest Growing Cities
This post originally appeared in The Resilience Blog on November 8th, 2013. Over the last ten years, the number of people living in megacities with over 10 million people has increased …
Nov 14 2013
A World Changed: 100 Years of Philanthropy
"I Never Thought," a powerful short film commissioned to celebrate our Centennial, explores what American philanthropy has accomplished in communities around the globe in the past 100 years. "In the last …
Nov 11 2013
Building Resilient Cities and Coasts
In September, The Rockefeller Foundation was proud to make our $100 million commitment to resilient cities at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative. During that week, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria moderated a …
Nov 05 2013
Impact Investing: How to Scale Impact Enterprises
In September, The Rockefeller Foundation announced a new project—Innovations in Accelerating Impact Enterprises—which aims to scale impact enterprises as a promising, sustainable means of addressing social issues affecting the poor …