
Jul 30 2013
Evolution of the Joint Learning Network
The idea for the Joint Learning Network (JLN) was seeded during a 2009 meeting when country experts and global health partners discussed the possibility of strengthening ways for knowledge exchange, …
Jul 24 2013
Leveraging Networks to Create Impact
How do innovators build networks and leverage them for impact? To answer this question, we spoke with Dr. Shelly Batra, co-founder and president of Operation ASHA, an NGO based in …
Jul 23 2013
Thailand: Our Partner in Public Health Innovation
The Rockefeller Foundation recently partnered with the Ministry of Public Health and Siriraj Hospital to co-organize the International Conference in Medicine and Public Health (ICMPH) from June 24-28, 2013 in …
Jul 11 2013
Harnessing IT Innovation For Job Creation In Kenya
In mid-June, The Rockefeller Foundation convened a roundtable discussion in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss the opportunities for job creation for the country’s high potential but disadvantaged youth through information communication …
Jul 09 2013
Building Resilient Cities
Much of the Rockefeller Foundation’s in-depth learning on resilience has come from our Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network, also known as ACCCRN, which supports city-wide strategies, and specific investments …
Jul 03 2013
Three Trends Shaping the Future of Food Security
For decades, the Rockefeller Foundation has recognized and addressed the link between food and population, and with the inexorable growth of cities, both in terms of population and land area, …
Jun 24 2013
The City Resilient
Dr. Judith Rodin addressed the crowd of The City Resilient, an event co-hosted by the Foundation and PopTech at BAM in New York City to address how to build communities that …
Jun 24 2013
Resilience Begins at Home
Family, neighborhood and community are vital components of responding to shocks and stresses and bouncing back stronger. The importance of such community resilience is shown in the results of a …