
Awarded Dec 03-2015
in support of the research and analysis of green infrastructure value chains which may impact the resilience value of projects
    Awarded Dec 14-2015
    for use by the UN Habitat City Resilience Profiling Programme in support of strengthening advocacy and raising awareness around resilience, urban crises, and cities most at risk, and to support the launch of the Global Alliance for Urban Crises in the run-up to the World Humanitarian Summit to be held in Istanbul, May 2016
      Awarded Nov 30-2015
      New York University 2015
      for use by the Institute of Knowledge in support of its Resilient Cities by Design project, which will partner with members of the 100 Resilient Cities network to orchestrate processes and competitions based on the Rebuild by Design model
        Awarded Nov 17-2015
        for use by its Indonesia office toward the costs of organizing a final learning event in 2016 that will enable partners to collectively reflect on learnings from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) initiative, strengthen the network, and celebrate its achievements while highlighting new directions for the Foundation’s resilience work
          Awarded Dec 01-2015
          toward the costs of a project to ensure the sustainability of the Louisiana Delta by applying the Resilience by Design methodology to a collaborative planning process with coastal communities
            Awarded Dec 01-2015
            HR&A Advisors, Inc. 2015
            in support of Resilience Academies for the Resilience AmeriCorps VISTAs program, as well as the development of an updated online curriculum for The Resilience Age website
              Awarded Dec 16-2015
              Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2015
              for use by 100 Resilient Cities toward the costs of its global mission to build cities’ capacity to maintain and recover critical functions in the face of shocks and stresses
                Awarded Nov 30-2015
                Duke University 2015
                for use by its Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions toward the costs of developing a global blueprint for allocating and managing water sustainably
                  Awarded Oct 13-2015
                  toward the costs of organizing the "Tenth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation: Enhancing Urban Community Resilience," to be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 2016
                    Awarded Oct 19-2015
                    in support of implementing innovative rebuilding approaches in areas most devastated by the Gorkha earthquake by using key levers such as remittance flows to enable communities to realize a lasting resilience dividend