
Jun 04 2020
Press Releases
New ‘Baltimore Health Corps’ to Hire and Train Hundreds of Jobless Residents to Serve Neighborhoods Hardest-Hit by Covid-19
On June 4, 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation and the City of Baltimore announced the launch of a groundbreaking pilot program – the Baltimore Health Corps –designed to address the city’s interconnected economic and public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Baltimore Health Corps will recruit, train, and employ more than 300 residents who are currently jobless due to the pandemic to serve as contact tracers, care coordinators, and Community Health Workers. Health Corps staff will be deployed to address critical COVID-19 needs in Baltimore’s most vulnerable communities, performing three key functions: public health education outreach, contact tracing, and care coordination and social support.
Jun 01 2020
If We’re All in This Together, Let’s Prove It.
We hear and see it everywhere these days: “We’re all in this together.” Our friends and neighbors are committing selfless acts of community every day. Here in New York City …
Apr 14 2020
Mobilizing Private Capital for Impact: Anacostia
We are working with local leaders and organizations in #OpportunityZones across America to ensure that legacy residents are the beneficiaries of new investments in their communities.
Scaling Solutions for Workers
Advancing public policies proven to boost earnings for America's working families
U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas