Welcome to Nairobi, Kenya, year 2050. After Omondi wakes up, he enjoys a hot shower and gives thanks to solar energy for this luxury. His breakfast usually consists of a diverse …
Every day, the team at Kipster tends to 24,000 hens in a single building with a Photovoltaic roof made of solar power shingles. Kipster is a revolutionary and sustainable poultry …
Welcome to Hudson Valley, New York, year 2050. Pruitt starts her day at home in Kingston, NY, drinking coffee brewed from beans crafted in the U.S. This specialty way of developing …
toward the costs of a research partnership initiative that seeks to catalyze change for healthy and sustainable food systems in low- and middle-income countries
toward the costs of its Farm to Fork initiative, a collaborative network of leading food advocacy organizations working to promote equitable and healthy food systems
in support of developing a digital platform and grassroots mobilization approach to engage diverse, global constituencies for post-COVID recovery and democratization of the UN Food Systems Summit
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated the limitations of our food system, including its deep inequities, its fragile supply chains, its shockingly high toll on our planet’s resources, and …
Ride United Last-Mile Delivery, launched in April, in partnership with DoorDash, brings food and supplies to vulnerable populations Alexandria, VA, September 23, 2020—United Way Worldwide today announced its one hundred thousandth …