
Awarded Mar 30-2020
Meridian Institute 2020
in support of efforts to provide research, convening facilitation and strategic support in preparation for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
    Awarded Mar 26-2020
    CAMBIA 2020
    in general support of its mission to scale open and collaborative mapping of innovation pathways and opportunities in science- and technology-enabled problem solving
      Awarded Feb 25-2020
      Harvard University 2020
      for use by its Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School in support of developing a National Produce Prescription Advocacy Strategy to address food insecurity by promoting the consumption of nutrient-rich foods in underserved communities
        Jan 31 2020
        Roy Steiner on Protective Foods
        For Roy Steiner, Senior Vice President for The Rockefeller Foundation's Food Initiative, the best way to create #ImpactThroughInnovation is by enabling doctors to prescribe fruits & veggies, curbing diet-related diseases.
        Jan 25 2020
        Sara Farley on the Food System Vision Prize
        How might we transform our food systems so that they thrive in 2050? Sara Farley, Managing Director of our Food Initiative, kicks off 2020 sharing why visions of the future …
        Awarded Nov 01-2019
        Community Partners 2019
        for use by its Center for Good Food Purchasing in support of its efforts to develop impact analysis tools for tracking and analyzing institutional food purchasing data, in order that it can be used to encourage the delivery of healthier food to low-income populations
          Awarded Nov 13-2019
          World Wildlife Fund 2019
          in support of launching a food waste prevention collaborative in the Pacific Northwest, and other ongoing efforts to prevent food waste in the U.S.
            Awarded Nov 13-2019
            Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 2019
            in support of developing the first nutritious financing facility to support small-and medium-sized enterprises increase access to nutritious foods in Sub-Sahara Africa
              Awarded Nov 20-2019
              Northeastern University 2019
              in support of developing the toolsets needed to acquire the most accurate information on food composition and the ways in which nutritional components affect health