
Awarded Dec 10-2019
International Rescue Committee 2019
in support of research on the cost-effectiveness of simplified treatment protocols for acute malnutrition, in order to leverage the support of community health systems to identify and treat children in vulnerable communities
    Awarded Nov 05-2019
    Urban School Food Alliance 2019
    toward the costs of applying data-driven reform to the school food system in order to improve the affordability and availability of healthy and sustainable food in schools
      Awarded Oct 28-2019
      DC Greens 2019
      in support of expanding a program in Washington, DC that increases access to healthy foods for patients with diet-related diseases, robustly evaluating that program and developing a national community of practice
        Awarded Nov 04-2019
        Reinvestment Partners 2019
        toward the costs of expanding their produce prescription program for Medicaid recipients in North Carolina
          Awarded Nov 18-2019
          FoodCorps 2019
          toward the costs of "reWorking Lunch," to design and implement solutions that make healthier, more sustainable food readily accessible for schools and students nationwide
            Food System Vision Prize
            An invitation to envision regenerative and nourishing food futures for 2050
            Food Global
            Awarded Nov 08-2019
            Meridian Institute 2019
            toward the costs of creating the Food Periodic Table Global Consortium, an effort to spur scientific advancements in understanding the biochemical elements of diet that contribute to health and wellbeing
              Awarded Sep 30-2019
              Tufts University 2019
              for use by its Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in support of landscaping current funding for nutrition research, and gathering evidence on the need for a larger, coordinated effort to advance nutrition science in the U. S.
                Awarded Sep 26-2019
                Genesis Analytics 2019
                in support of developing a toolkit to share the learnings of The Rockefeller Foundation's YieldWise Initiative to the relevant actors in the food loss and waste sector