
Awarded Nov 15-2019
EcoAgriculture International, Inc. 2019
in support of coordinating efforts to scale up regenerative landscape practices globally and to facilitate dissemination of the Food System Vision Prize
    Awarded Jul 12-2019
    Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 2019
    in support of gathering data about diet quality in Ghana and Tanzania to inform the Gallup Global Diet Quality project, an effort to build the first global diet quality database freely accessible to the public
      Awarded Jul 01-2019
      Seed Systems Group, Inc. 2019
      in support of developing agricultural seed system feasibility studies and road maps for select African countries in an effort to bring higher-yielding crop varieties to African farmers
        Awarded Oct 14-2019
        Meridian Institute 2019
        for use by its Global Alliance for the Future of Food in support of its efforts to leverage resources in order to shift food systems toward greater sustainability, security and equity
          Awarded May 24-2019
          New Venture Fund 2019
          for use by its Safety Net Defense Fund toward the costs of an effort to protect social safety net programs, such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, for low-income people in the U.S.
            Awarded Jan 24-2019
            University of Washington 2019
            for use by its Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in support of developing a report on characterizing the minimum risk diet for 195 countries in an effort to advance a more nourishing and sustainable food system
              Awarded Nov 02-2018
              International Fund for Agricultural Development 2018
              in support of providing technical support and training to a network of Rockefeller Foundation partners, in an effort to help farmers reduce post-harvest losses for crops in Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria and Tanzania
                Awarded Nov 01-2018
                World Resources Institute 2018
                in support of producing two publications on food loss and waste that seek to consolidate a global narrative about the issue and share new quantitative evidence on effective action
                  Awarded Nov 19-2018
                  World Bank 2018
                  in support of developing a Global Framework for Action on Food Loss and Waste including developing country diagnostics and forming a high-level task force