
Jun 29 2022
EVI Covid-19 Vaccination Pulse Survey Insights
Across the 10 months of survey data collection, our community collection partners surveyed over 7000 community members. A few key findings stood out and stayed consistent across time: Barriers: Across …
Health U.S. & the Americas
Jun 14 2022
The Power of a Network of Networks
“It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.”  Charles Darwin In 2019, before Covid-19 became a ubiquitous …
Jun 06 2022
The Challenge of Measuring Vaccine Effectiveness
In mid-November 2020, as Covid-19 cases were rising and two thousand people were dying every day in the U.S., Americans needed hope. They got it. Hope arrived in a syringe. Effective …
May 31 2022
Asia Regional Partners Meeting
The Asia Regional Office convened its first-ever Asia Regional Partners Meeting, a two-day virtual meeting of current grantees and other partners. They welcomed over 120 attendees representing more than 40 …