
Jul 27 2021
Misinformation Is the Biggest Threat to Ending This Pandemic
Myths about Covid-19 vaccines abound: “The Covid-19 vaccines will make you infertile” “Covid-19 vaccines don’t work” “The government put a microchip in the Covid-19 vaccines” “The Covid-19 vaccines create variants” Each of those statements is …
Jul 25 2021
Implementing Covid-19 Routine Testing in K–12 Schools: Lessons and Recommendations from Pilot Sites
The Rockefeller Foundation partnered with six school sites across the country to pioneer rigorous Covid-19 testing strategies that would keep children safe and schools open for learning. The effort, called the K-12 Testing Protocol Demonstration Project, launched in October 2020 in 335 schools and affiliated locations across Louisville, Ky.; Los Angeles; New Orleans; Tulsa, Okla.; the District of Columbia; and State of Rhode Island—unearthing key guidance and considerations applicable to peer schools nationwide.
Health U.S. & the Americas
Jul 25 2021
Implementing Covid-19 Routine Testing in K–12 Schools
This video documents the nonprofit organization, CORE – Community Organized Response Effort working to help in person schooling resume safely. With support from the Rockefeller Foundation, and in partnership with …