
Awarded Nov 02-2020
The Engine Foundation 2020
toward the costs of a public education campaign to be mounted by its COVID-19 Technology Task Force to drive participation in contact tracing.
    Awarded Dec 14-2020
    RF Catalytic Capital, Inc. 2020
    in support of an advanced market commitment to a medical supply distributor to enable the proactive sourcing, purchasing and stocking of an array of rapid COVID tests for the ultimate sale to states and aligned buyers
      Awarded Nov 13-2020
      Hivos Foundation 2020
      in support of its Amazon Indigenous Health Route project in inabling an equitable COVID-19 response for indigenous communities in the Amazon Basin
        Awarded Oct 16-2020
        Crush the Curve Idaho Foundation 2020
        in support of efforts to increase testing at and provide thermometers to public school districts in Idaho in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
          Awarded Oct 29-2020
          Universidad de los Andes 2020
          in support of its Gencore molecular laboratory and Center for Research and Formation in Artificial Intelligence to collaborate on the development, refinement, and implementation of an artificial intelligence-driven, smart pooling methodology for COVID-19 testing in Bogota, Colombia
            Oct 29 2020
            $1 Billion for a Green and Equitable Recovery
            As a doctor, every time I read the statistics, I know that this pandemic doesn’t need to be this bad for so many people. The grocery store worker who stocks …
            Oct 29 2020
            How we Reimagine an Equitable Future for All
            It's possible to end energy poverty in 10 years, to prevent the next pandemic and improve healthcare for all, to provide living wages to those who work hard, and to …
            Oct 28 2020
            Sowing the Seeds for a Better Food Future in Asia
            Covid-19 has reminded humanity of the critical importance of a strong and functioning food system. With a quarter of a billion people facing acute hunger by the end of the year, …