
Awarded May 04-2020
Dimagi Inc. 2020
in support of launching a community of practice to meet the demand for digital tools for containment, mitigation, and recovery efforts for community based COVID-19 response to benefit the vulnerable and at-risk populations in low income countries.
    Awarded May 06-2020
    Dalberg Group ApS 2020
    in support of in support of the set up and implementation of a West Africa Platform for Public Health Emergency Operations Centers, which would serve to increase country-level capacity to respond to COVID-19 and upcoming public health emergencies in Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali and Mauritania.
      Awarded May 14-2020
      CORE Community Organized Relief Effort 2020
      toward the costs of expanding its drive-through testing operations in California to increase access to vulnerable individuals, as well as continue to provide valuable information necessary to determine next steps at the county and state levels
        Mar 22 2020
        Meeting This Moment: 2020 Annual Letter Video
        In light of the current crisis, The Rockefeller Foundation 2020 President’s Annual Letter by Dr. Rajiv J. Shah focuses on the Foundation’s response to COVID-19, and how we and our …
        Universal Health Coverage
        Our work activated and accelerated a global movement calling for equitable health systems that leaves no one behind
        Health Global
        Precision Public Health
        Improving health outcomes through equitable, data-driven health systems in communities around the world
        Health Global