
Awarded Oct 22-2019
PATH 2019
for use by its Digital Square program in support of a feasibility study catalyzing a Health Data Science Exchange to improve the reach, quality and efficiency of health service delivery to people in low-and-middle-income countries
    Awarded Oct 08-2019
    World Health Organization 2019
    toward the costs of "Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge" to be held in New York, New York, September, 2019
      Awarded Sep 24-2019
      Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2019
      for use by its MDG Health Alliance in support of working with governments to strengthen and scale community-health programs
        Awarded Sep 27-2019
        King’s College London 2019
        for use by its Department of International Development in support of a special series of The Lancet entitled “Political Science in Global Health Policy-Making”.
          Awarded Sep 16-2019
          Speak Up Africa, Inc 2019
          in support of its One by One Campaign to catalyze leadership in Africa to utilize data driven decision making in community health to advance the Universal Health Coverage agenda
            Awarded Nov 07-2019
            The Task Force for Global Health 2019
            in general support of its mission to solve large-scale health problems affecting vulnerable populations around the world and to build sustainable systems that protect and promote health
              Awarded Jul 30-2019
              United States Fund for UNICEF 2019
              in support of implementing the "Intelligent Community Health Systems: A Partnership between The Rockefeller Foundation and UNICEF" to strengthen data-driven community health
                Awarded Jul 01-2019
                National Academy of Sciences 2019
                for use by its Committee on Science, Technology and Law toward the costs of an international initiative on the clinical use of germline genome editing
                  Awarded Sep 17-2019
                  Global Alliance for TB Drug Development 2019
                  in support of an investment case study to accelerate the introduction of a new drug-resistant TB regimen that could potentially end deaths from drug-resistant TB by 2025
                    Awarded Jul 01-2019
                    National Academy of Sciences 2019
                    for use by the National Academy of Medicine toward the costs of developing a Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity