
Awarded May 09-2019
toward the costs of the fifth global Women Deliver conference on the health, rights and well-being of girls and women, to be held in Vancouver, Canada, June 2019
    Awarded Jul 06-2018
    Global Health Strategies 2018
    in support of developing communications and advocacy strategies and materials to position digitally-enabled community health within global conversations about achieving Universal Health Coverage
      Awarded Jun 28-2018
      Capital for Good 2018
      for use by Financing Alliance for Health in support of developing investment planning, innovative financing strategies, and capacity mobilization for the Community Health Extension Workers program in Uganda
        Awarded Jun 26-2018
        PATH 2018
        toward the costs of two of its Digital Square initiatives, the Digital Regional East Africa Community Health initiative and the African Alliance for Digital Health Networks, both seeking to build regional digital health systems and capacity in East Africa
          Awarded Jul 26-2018
          Mahidol University 2018
          for use by its Institute for Population and Social Research in support of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 Prince Mahidol Award Conferences, aimed at promoting evidence of and best practices on strengthening health systems
            Awarded Dec 19-2017
            Johns Hopkins University 2017
            for use by its Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in support of developing a Health System Resilience Checklist and Implementation Guide that health systems in a broad set of countries can use to ensure an effective response to health emergencies
              Nov 30 2017
              Addressing the global health emergency of climate change
              Awarded Mar 16-2017
              Beyond Zero 2017
              in support of studying the feasibility of establishing new specialized care health facilities in Kenya to help control HIV and promote maternal, newborn, and children’s health
                Awarded Dec 07-2016
                University of Oxford 2016
                for use by its Oxford Martin School in support of the Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health, an effort to establish the economic and business case for planetary health