
Awarded Feb 25-2016
in support of planning and executing a series of three meetings focused on planetary health at its annual conference, to be held in San Francisco, CA, April 2016
    Awarded Jul 12-2016
    World Bank 2016
    in support of developing and piloting an operational framework for financing preparedness in ways that leverage the building of resilient health systems
      Awarded Dec 01-2015
      in support of a comprehensive study on the role of personal health technologies in advancing health for the urban working poor
        Awarded Oct 02-2015
        in support of providing subsidized financial services to poor and informally employed communities in Sierra Leone and Liberia in an effort to build resilience to the Ebola epidemic, and to strengthen internal capacity to deliver services in periods of crisis
          Awarded Sep 03-2015
          London School of Economics and Political Science 2015
          for use by its International Growth Centre toward the costs of collaborating with the government of Sierra Leone to develop a national strategic plan for a community health workforce as an integral part of their efforts to build resilience within the country’s health system in the wake of the Ebola crisis
            Awarded Nov 13-2015
            Royal Institute of International Affairs 2015
            for use by its Centre on Global Health Security in support of planning activities to establish a West African Disease Surveillance Network in the wake of the Ebola crisis
              Awarded Jun 30-2015
              National Academy of Sciences 2015
              for use by its Institute of Medicine toward the costs of convening a commission and developing a report on a new operational framework for identifying and effectively responding to global infectious disease and public health emergencies
                Awarded Aug 14-2015
                toward the costs of collaborating with the Liberian government to develop a national strategic plan for a community health workforce as an integral part of their efforts to build resilience within the country’s health system
                  Awarded Sep 14-2015
                  Harvard University 2015
                  for use by its Global Health Institute in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in support of holding a convening and producing a report to examine weaknesses in the global health system exposed by the Ebola epidemic in an effort to improve global responses to future health crises
                    Awarded Apr 06-2015
                    Harvard University 2015
                    for use by its School of Public Health in support of developing, testing and deepening the conceptualization of Resilient Health Systems in West Africa in the wake of the Ebola crisis