
Awarded Apr 20-2020
Georgetown University 2020
for use by its Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation in support of developing shared open source software for states to digitally administer high-priority programs such as paid family and medical leave or unemployment insurance, thereby increasing uptake and access
    Mar 25 2020
    Emerging Frontiers
    We aim to accelerate the impact of our programmatic work through impact investing, data science, technology, and innovation to the greatest inequities in the world.
    Mar 13 2020
    Meet Steven VanRoekel
    Partnerships & new tech will make it possible to "fundamentally bend the curve on things that are affecting the planet." Meet Steve VanRoekel, our new Chief Operating Officer
    Digital Transformation
    We help governments and the social sector use technology to promote the common good
    Technology & Innovation Global
    Awarded May 28-2020
    Brookings Institution 2020
    in support of the annual ’17 Rooms’ process inclding events and research focused on advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.
      Feb 24 2020
      Zia Khan on Data & Innovation
      To begin the new year, we asked some of our staff members, "How can we continue to innovate to drive social impact?" For Zia Khan, Vice President for Innovation at …
      Feb 24 2020
      Lorenzo Bernasconi on Catalytic Capital
      To begin the new year, we asked some of our staff members, "How can we continue to innovate to drive social impact?" For Lorenzo Bernasconi, Managing Director for Innovative Finance …