
Awarded Sep 24-2019
Total Impact Capital 2019
in support of designing and launching an asset-backed financing platform to facilitate the financing of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector in Kenya in an effort to enhance access to medications
    Awarded Jul 25-2019
    Climate Policy Initiative, Inc. 2019
    toward the costs of designing a new set of innovative financial tools that will enable investors, countries and governments to manage their climate transition risks
      Awarded Jun 11-2019
      The Global Development Incubator 2019
      for use by its Refugee Investment Network toward the costs of scaling investment to address the needs of displaced populations and refugees
        Awarded May 24-2019
        Post Road Foundation 2019
        in support of piloting a sustainable digital infrastructure project in a rural community and using it as a blueprint to bridge the digital divide across the U. S.
          Awarded Jul 08-2019
          Climate Finance Advisors, Benefit LLC 2019
          in support of a convening oriented on unlocking and scaling more investment for climate infrastructure held at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, July 2019
            Zero Gap Fund
            Developing higher solution investing
            Innovative Finance Global
            Awarded Apr 30-2019
            US SIF Foundation, Ltd. 2019
            in support of research and a convening to explore how to grow retail demand for impact investing in retirement plans, to be held at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, August 2019
              Awarded Mar 22-2019
              Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2019
              for use by its Upstart Co-Lab in support of defining and promoting the Inclusive Creative Economy field among the impact investing community
                Awarded Apr 04-2019
                Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2019
                for use by its International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity toward the costs of designing the International Finance Facility for Education, a partnership between developing countries, international financial institutions and public and private donors to mobilize new, critically needed funding for education
                  Awarded Oct 22-2019
                  The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment 2019
                  toward the costs of the GSG Impact Summit to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2019, a gathering of global impact leaders to share best practices and discuss ways to advance the global impact investment movement