
Awarded Nov 28-2018
in support of planning and designing a new sovereign risk pool to insure participating nations in the event of disease outbreaks and epidemics
    Awarded Nov 30-2018
    Eighteen East Capital Ltd 2018
    in support of researching and designing Sustainable Development Certificates, a funding model to increase the capacity of development finance institutions to make impact investments in underdeveloped markets serving poor and vulnerable communities
      Awarded Nov 16-2018
      Meridian Institute 2018
      in support of the second phase of an effort to create a global architecture for international transactions for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) including the development of a REDD+ standard for future compliance markets
        Awarded Oct 11-2018
        Acre Capital Limited 2018
        in support of the design of an impact investment vehicle that would leverage export credit agency capital to fund social infrastructure projects in emerging markets
          Awarded Nov 02-2018
          Enterprise Community Partners 2018
          toward the costs of the research and design of a Community Development Finance Index to increase capital flow into poor and vulnerable populations through new financial products
            Awarded Sep 13-2018
            ImpactAlpha Inc 2018
            in support of its Agents of Impact Scholarship Fund, an effort to provide subscriptions for academic institutions to a daily newsletter and other content related to impact investing and sustainable finance
              Awarded Sep 28-2018
              Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2018
              for use by its Sloan School of Management's Laboratory for Financial Engineering in support of developing Research Backed Obligations (RBOs), a new model for funding early stage biomedical research
                Awarded Sep 28-2018
                Impact Shares Corp. 2018
                in support of developing strategies for a series of cause-based Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in partnership with leading nonprofits in an effort to create better socially responsible investment solutions
                  Awarded Oct 24-2018
                  The Milken Institute 2018
                  toward the costs of developing an innovative impact fund for investment in minority-owned depository institutions in an effort to increase their capacity to catalyze capital for minority populations and other vulnerable groups