
Awarded Oct 05-2018
Climate Policy Initiative, Inc. 2018
for use by its Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance in support of further developing a climate resilience work stream to leverage innovative sources of capital that benefit poor and vulnerable populations, including developing innovative financial mechanisms to increase access to clean and sustainable energy
    Awarded Dec 12-2018
    World Bank 2018
    toward the costs of developing the Tropical Forest Finance Facility, an instrument to provide financial incentives for tropical forest countries to slow and reverse deforestation
      Awarded Nov 28-2018
      Stichting Rabo Foundation Klantenfonds 2018
      in support of setting up a guarantee facility for the enhanced supplier chain model to support smallholder farmers and suppliers and encourage more sustainable environmental, social and economic practices
        Awarded Jul 12-2018
        Northwestern University 2018
        for use by its Kellogg School of Management in support of faculty convenings and curriculum development in an effort to build the field of impact investing in business and professional education
          Awarded Jul 03-2018
          Africa GreenCo 2018
          toward the costs of establishing a new public-private partnership that catalyzes private sector investment in African energy projects
            Awarded Jul 12-2018
            Asia Society 2018
            for use by its UN Special Envoy for Haiti in support of designing a Haiti Cholera Impact Bond, an innovative financing mechanism to eliminate the transmission of cholera in Haiti
              Awarded Oct 22-2018
              The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment 2018
              in general support of its mission to create a world where measurable social and environmental impact is embraced as a deliverable driver in every investment and business decision affecting people and the planet
                Awarded Mar 09-2018
                Panahpur 2018
                toward the costs of developing Project Snowball, a partnership between charitable organizations to facilitate secondary transactions of high social impact investments for the benefit of poor and vulnerable populations
                  Awarded Dec 13-2017
                  Harvard University 2017
                  for use by its Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership in support of the Initiative for Responsible Investing, an effort to explore alternative approaches to institutional investment in sustainable infrastructure in the U.S.