
Awarded Dec 06-2017
Eighteen East Capital Ltd 2017
in support of developing ImpactBay, a not-for-profit market place designed to facilitate secondary transactions of frontier and emerging market impact investments in an effort to grow the assets available to benefit poor and vulnerable populations in developing countries
    Awarded Jan 05-2018
    KKS Advisors LLC 2018
    in support of developing a mechanism to improve the social and environmental outcomes of private sector companies by increasing collaboration across corporate actors
      Awarded Nov 21-2017
      Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2017
      for use by its International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity toward the costs of designing the International Finance Facility for Education, a partnership between developing countries, international financial institutions and public and private donors to mobilize new, critically needed funding for education
        Awarded Oct 18-2017
        Post Road Foundation 2017
        toward the costs of conducting pre-feasibility studies for three communities in the U.S. to assess the potential for integrated and sustainable digital infrastructure investments
          Awarded Apr 26-2017
          for use by its project, Transform Finance, toward the costs of developing an investing toolkit that aims to empower investors to make capital allocation decisions based on an enhanced understanding of racial justice
            Awarded Jun 02-2017
            GCU-NYC Inc. 2017
            for use by its Fair Fashion Center toward the costs of piloting a new investment vehicle to finance low-cost, clean energy within the fashion industry’s supply chain, and to use the energy cost savings for improving the working and living conditions of poor and vulnerable workers
              Awarded May 03-2017
              Quantified Ventures LLC 2017
              in support of assisting two U.S. municipal water authorities to issue pay-for-success municipal bonds to finance green infrastructure projects serving poor and vulnerable communities
                Awarded May 02-2017
                The Global Development Incubator 2017
                for use by its Initiative for Smallholder Finance in support of piloting a technology-driven financing mechanism to provide low-cost supply chain financing to underserved small and medium-sized enterprises in India as an incentive for meeting environmental, labor and safety standards