
Awarded Nov 11-2016
World Bank 2016
for use by its project, the Global Partnership for Education, in support of a market assessment and feasibility study to explore the potential for parametric insurance as a tool for building the resilience of education systems in the face of natural and man-made shocks and stresses
    Awarded Sep 01-2016
    in support of developing the REDD+ Acceleration Fund (RAF) in an effort to use climate finance to reduce tropical deforestation
      Awarded Sep 09-2016
      for use by the Office of the Special Advisor on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Climate Change in support of encouraging innovative finance solutions and private sector investment in its Sustainable Development Goals
        Awarded Jul 25-2016
        Yunus Social Business GmbH 2016
        in support of piloting the Social Success Note, an innovative financing instrument, to enable Impact Water (or a comparable social enterprise) to fund water purification systems in Uganda
          Awarded May 18-2016
          IIX Global Charitable Limited 2016
          in support of monitoring and evaluating the Women’s Livelihood Bond, a replicable social mission bond designed to raise capital to promote economic inclusion and resilience for poor and vulnerable women in South and Southeast Asia
            Awarded Apr 20-2016
            in support of the scale-up of UNITLIFE, a global innovative financing mechanism to fight chronic malnutrition using revenue from micro-levies on natural resources, and developing an operational strategy for deployment of the capital it raises
              Awarded Nov 03-2015
              University of Oxford 2015
              for use by its Oxford Internet Institute in support of researching the viability of a micro-levy on data to fund solutions to critical social challenges
                Awarded Sep 18-2015
                toward the costs of planning and designing a new sovereign risk pool to insure participating nations in the event of disease outbreaks and epidemics
                  Awarded Dec 02-2015
                  Climate Bonds Initiative 2015
                  in support of developing demonstration projects to promote the use of financial aggregation solutions for green projects in developing countries