
Awarded Nov 30-2015
World Bank 2015
in support of exploring preliminary options for the institutional, financial, and operational design of a regional risk financing facility in South and Southeast Asia
    Awarded Dec 01-2015
    The Global Development Incubator 2015
    for use by its Initiative for Smallholder Finance in support of exploring the feasibility of an alternative, technology-driven financing mechanism to provide low-cost supply chain financing as an incentive for meeting environmental, labor and safety standards
      Awarded Nov 02-2015
      Climate Policy Initiative, Inc. 2015
      in support of the analysis, development, and deployment of a new investment vehicle to provide low-cost capital for renewable energy projects
        Awarded Sep 21-2015
        Publisez, Inc. / DEY 2015
        in support of communications efforts for the financing mechanisms supported by the Rockefeller Foundation’s innovative finance “Zero Gap” portfolio to increase the likelihood of market adoption by raising awareness among key stakeholders about how innovative finance can be harnessed to drive private sector capital toward achieving critical social and environmental outcomes
          Awarded Nov 02-2015
          Africa GreenCo 2015
          in support of developing a feasibility assessment for a new public-private partnership that catalyzes private sector investment in African energy projects
            Awarded Oct 02-2015
            for use by its Global Mechanism in support of developing and operationalizing the Impact Investment Fund for Land Degradation Neutrality, an effort to promote the restoration and sustainable and productive use of degraded land around the world
              Awarded Oct 02-2015
              Climate Policy Initiative, Inc. 2015
              for use by its Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance in support of implementing a new climate resilience work stream to leverage innovative sources of capital that benefit poor and vulnerable populations
                Awarded Sep 15-2015
                McKinsey and Company Africa (Pty) Ltd 2015
                toward the costs of designing the Financial Inclusion Funding Facility, an effort to spur financial inclusion across Africa, by coordinating investments and technical assistance by commercial institutions, philanthropic organizations, governments and development aid agencies
                  Awarded Jul 20-2015
                  Center for Global Development 2015
                  in support of research and planning activities necessary to establish the Forest Foundation Fund, a performance-based deforestation incentive
                    Awarded Jul 24-2015
                    in support of developing a new financial instrument to raise capital for resilient infrastructure projects in vulnerable communities in the U.S.