
Awarded May 11-2020
LOCUS Impact Investing 2020
toward the costs of the Community Investment Guarantee Pool, a mechanism to provide targeted guarantees to lenders, investors or intermediaries working to advance community development financing in affordable housing, small business and climate/energy solutions
    Awarded Mar 02-2020
    University of New Hampshire 2020
    for use by its Carsey School of Public Policy’s Center for Impact Finance toward the costs of designing a platform that enables investors to provide equity financing to Community Development Financial Institutions in an effort to help them serve poor and vulnerable communities in the U.S.
      Awarded Nov 26-2019
      ImpactAssets, Inc. 2019
      in support of evaluating marketing and distribution strategies for up to four impact investment products, as well as supporting investments in small- and medium-enterprise fund managers utilizing self-liquidating and revenue-based repayment models, all in an effort to test ways of addressing access to capital for underserved populations in the U.S.
        Awarded Nov 19-2019
        New Venture Fund 2019
        for use by its U.S. Impact Investing Alliance toward the costs of the Tipping Point Fund, a donor collaborative to fund field building infrastructure that will support the growth and practice of impact investing
          Awarded Nov 26-2019
          San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc. 2019
          in support of researching the feasibility and potential impact of restructuring defaulted consumer debt to an income-contingent structure in an effort to build financial resilience for poor and vulnerable populations in the U.S
            Awarded Sep 24-2019
            The Intrinsic Exchange Group, Inc. 2019
            toward the costs of researching and developing the Intrinsic Value Exchange, a model for public ownership of natural capital ecosystem services
              Awarded Jun 28-2019
              Social Finance, Inc. 2019
              in support of researching opportunities to connect donor-advised funds to impact investment opportunities