
Apr 14 2021
Frozen Out in Texas: Blackouts and Inequity
The February blackouts in the Texas power grid left over 4.5 million customers in the dark, many of them for several days. A substantial amount of these blackouts were transmission …
Mar 04 2021
Texas Crisis Highlights U.S. Energy Justice Issues
Texas, facing record-low temperatures this February, lost control of the power supply, leaving millions without access to electricity. But the crisis was not equally felt, exposing inequities in the energy …
Feb 16 2021
To Fight Poverty, We Must Raise Global Energy Ambitions
The world will not end extreme poverty without ending energy poverty. Recovery from the global pandemic, boosting living standards, and building resilience to the looming impacts of climate change all …
Jan 26 2021
Raising Energy Ambitions: The Modern Energy Minimum
Energy is fundamental to modern living and economic prosperity. The current global crisis has exposed stark inequalities and raised the urgency of providing modern energy for everyone. Energy is a …