
Awarded Aug 14-2015
APCO Worldwide Inc. 2015
in support of a project to provide communication and stakeholder engagement support to Smart Power India
    Awarded Jun 03-2015
    Technology and Action for Rural Advancement 2015
    in support of a project to provide community engagement and other preparation services to launch decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide accelerated energy access for both home lighting and productive uses to rural consumers who currently do not have access to an effective national grid
      Awarded Jun 09-2015
      Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation 2015
      in support of establishing the Smart Power for Rural Development India Foundation, to launch decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provide accelerated energy access for both home lighting and productive uses to rural consumers who currently do not have access to an effective national grid
        Awarded Apr 24-2015
        Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation 2015
        in support of informing strong policy outcomes and providing policy, regulatory and utility planning solutions to accelerate energy access through the Smart Power model, which creates decentralized renewable energy power plants in India and provides accelerated energy access for both home lighting and productive uses to rural consumers who currently do not have access to an effective national grid
          Awarded Mar 11-2015
          in support of research to map donor activity in the Clean Energy Mini-Grid Sector in order to facilitate the transparency and coordination of its development
            Awarded Mar 13-2015
            in general support of its mission to work with members and partners to promote effective environmental philanthropy by sharing knowledge, fostering debate, cultivating leadership, facilitating collaboration, and catalyzing action
              Awarded Mar 13-2015
              in general support of its mission to nurture information exchange about strategic philanthropy between philanthropic actors in the global south
                Awarded Mar 13-2015
                toward the costs of its Global Philanthropy Forum, which brings together foundation leaders, individual donors, social investors, and agents of change to learn more about opportunities for international philanthropy