Jan 01 1923Frederick T. Gates, credited with urging John D. Rockefeller Sr. to launch the Foundation says to his fellow trustees in his last meeting as member of the Board, “When you die and come to approach the judgment of Almighty God, what do you think He will demand of you? Do you for an instant presume to believe that He will inquire into your petty failures or your trivial virtues? No! He will ask just one question: ‘What did you do as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation?’"
Jan 01 1921The Foundation endows a second and third school of public health in the US at Harvard University and the University of Michigan, and launches an ambitious plan to circle the globe with schools. Spending more than $25 million over the next two decades, the Foundation helps establish schools in Prague, Warsaw, London, Toronto, Copenhagen, Budapest, Oslo, Belgrade, Zagreb, Madrid, Cluj (Romania),Ankara, Sofia, Rome, Tokyo, Athens, Bucharest, Stockholm, Calcutta, Manila and São Paulo. The total contribution to schools of public health amounts to $357 million in current dollars.
Jan 01 1920The Foundation expands our comprehensive support of medical institution, namely to include Canada’s Dalhousie University, Halifax and McGill University, Montreal.
Jan 01 1920A commission is sent to investigate the health conditions of West Africa and to gauge the spread of yellow fever.
Jan 01 1920The Certificate of Public Health program is established at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health with a class of 100 students.