Jan 01 1988Arts and Humanities officers organize the first of two seminal conferences with the Smithsonian Institution on the presentation and interpretation of cultural diversity in museums. The proceedings are published as “Exhibiting Cultures” and “Museums and Communities” and become important sources for museums, curators, scholars, and educators over the following decade.
Jan 01 1988Peter C. Goldmark Jr. becomes president of The Rockefeller Foundation and serves until 1997.
Jan 01 1987The Foundation launches a major program to attack persistent poverty in American cities. An early grant of $1.2 million supports start-up, national research and operations in Denver, Oakland, Washington, DC, Boston, Cleveland, and San Antonio.
Jan 01 1987A grant to the African Fertility Society enables scientists from 10 Sub-Saharan countries to collaborate on family-planning procedures that minimize the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.
Jan 01 1987The Foundation establishes a fellowship program to support independent film, video, and multimedia artists in the United States. In 1992, the fellowships are expanded to include Latin American filmmakers.
Jan 01 1986Foundation-supported researchers develop a method to regenerate whole rice plants from rice protoplast, a major breakthrough in the genetic engineering of cereal plants.
Jan 01 1986Acting on the recommendation of a 1984 trustee task force, the Foundation commits $250-$300 million over the next five years to launch its International Program to Support Science-Based Development, designed to improve living standards in developing countries by promoting more equitable and effective uses of science and technology.
Jan 01 1986Norplant, a long-lasting contraceptive capsule implanted under the skin of the arm, is approved in 43 countries after two decades of research and extensive international testing. The contraceptive, developed by the Population Council with Foundation support, is approved for use in the US in 1990.
Jan 01 1985A fellowship program for foreign language teachers in US high schools is initiated, providing opportunities for summer study abroad.