
Oct 24 2023
Shailendra Kumar
Bellagio Residency: April 2023 Project: "Fiscal sops in personal taxation - Will it help the Green cause?" Shailendra Kumar is a visionary financial journalist and businessman. He visited Bellagio in April 2023 …
Oct 24 2023
Greg Fischer
Bellagio Residency: April 2023 Project: "Maximizing the Purpose of Life" Greg Fischer is a national award-winning entrepreneur, businessman, and former mayor of Louisville, Kentucky. He came to Bellagio in April 2023 to …
Oct 24 2023
Payal Arora
Bellagio Residency: April 2023 Project: "Algorithms for aspiration: Everyday creative practice in the Global South" Payal Arora is a critically acclaimed digital anthropologist, author, speaker and professor, whose work has been covered …
Oct 24 2023
Rosabelle Boswell
Bellagio Residency: April 2023 Project: "Humanizing the Blue Era, African Perspectives" Rose Boswell is a widely published anthropologist, scholar, and author specializing in cultural heritage studies in Africa. She has conducted anthropological …